
Monday, September 10, 2012

30 Mile Week and GU/HydraPak Giveaway...

First, I'll plug another product through another blogger, because I'd like to be a winner someday!!!  It's about the GU products and HydraPak.  Read the Barefoot Inclined Giveaway now to learn more about these workout/running products.

Well, it was a weird 30 miles but I am counting it.  After only running 3 days the  week before because of a tight ITBS and my ADT Relay Labor Day with the Harrington Harriers (FYI, I did e-mail the race director and let them know they were about 13.5 minutes off on my actual time, so they just rounded up to 15, still beating my 1/2 marathon pace!!!) I got 30 in this past week.  I ran my 7.75 mile leg but added about 3 miles of other runs running frp, Checkpoint 2 to my cousin and trailing my Uncle and then about a mile and change, thus I am saying 10.  Then I rested after being tempted to run Tuesday but too tired to wake up and did 4 Wednesday.  Again tempted to do more Thursday but schedule did not allow, so I had in my mind I'd do 5 Friday aternoon and 11 on Sunday to give me 30.  Well, I somehow forgot my work key that morning and decided after carb loading (donut and bagel), I'd run until I knew someone would be in.  It was Friday and the usual early person was out of town so I figured I could get 8-10 miles in and hope I could live with not having as much water on hand as usual.

I started and followed a couple for the first 1/2 mile once I got on the Cherry Creek Trail.  I noticed their pace was about 9:00/mi and thought if you are going to do 8, is that smart?  Oh well, I kept running at that pace.  I got past Holly, then Monaco and the Quebec.  I have ran this path many times especially during spring when I first started my training/life transformation.  When I ran the 3-4 miles on this path, I was like, wow, you went a far way.  I was doing 10 minute miles to 11 min/mi at that time and they were LONG runs.  LOL.  When I got to Quebec that was actually the furthest east I had run but that would have put me at less than 5 and I felt amazing and had a long ways to go to cover 8 miles or longer.  I got to Iliff and was like, wow, this is going well with limited water.  I missed one part in describing this morning.  Amazing, it was a fall weather day.  Cool with enough chill that my hands needed a mile to feel warm, that hasn't been the case for many mooons.  When I got to Iliff, I would have been at just over 6.5 had I turned back.  That wasn't an option.  I realized I had drove to this area a couple times to do an inspection at Cherry Creek Golf Club and shortly after that I saw those ridiculously large houses with the NO TRESPASSING signs littering the creek along the golf course.  The amount of bikers was quite a bit but it was near work time and I figured they had a much quicker route to work on two wheels than two feet.  I didn't care much for the bikers, as usual since few are as friendly as the walkers and runners I have seen in my 6 months, I now wanted 10 miles and that came at a great time.  I had passed the entirety of the golf course and the path was ugly the next mile until it got to Havana and those neighborhoods and there was this awesome bridge that went into a neighborhood that served as a great turnaround point and put me at 5 miles!!!  I ran back with less than 10 ounces of water and only drank about 20 for the entire run.  Usually I need fuel of some sort if I go over 8 but felt awesome.  I averaged just over 9 miles the entire run.  It was a great start to the weekened.

Unfortunately CU is still awful and put a damper on Saturday, but spending the entire day with the family before, during and after the game helped ease the pain.  Yeserday was a nice day of hanging with Sophie while Andi shopped with a work buddy.  Sophie and I had fun.  Unfortunately her being sicks and talking all game made her voice escape her and she was raspy all day.  I also got the chance to cheer up with a Broncos win and a great 7 mile run last night, putting me over 30 miles for the first time.  I only plan on 25 the next couple weeks before ramping up to 30 every week until tapering down.  Should be fun.

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