
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

50 miles and Speed (Training) Kills a Long Run...

Yes, I hit 50.  The first 40 miles of them were enjoyable.  The last half of my long run of 21 Miles sucked.  My legs had nothing left in them.  I was hungry, thirsty, cold and just tired.  I went to 49 miles and had it.  I walked the last mile and had my wife pick me up the extra half mile I had for the week.  I will never run around the Rocky Mountain Arsenal again.  It is an ugly run as soon as you start heading east on 56th Avenue.  There is also very little to stop the wind from hitting you and the last 4.5 miles, yep, headwind the whole freaking way. 

Week 9, 60 days left until the Marathon.  I won't lie.  I bit off a lot more than most first timers would chew and I know it will help me, but damn it's a lot of work.  Anyone can do a half marathon, the question is can you do a full?  We will see in less than 9 weeks.  I already know my anwer is yes.  The question is, how successful can I be?!  The work these next 5 weeks before taper will be the deciding factor.

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