
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Last of Yasso 800s and ready for Marathon 1...

Okay first I must get something off my chest.  I broke my Marathon Lent yesterday.  I have not had soda, chocolate or alcohol (not orginally part of it but I hardly drink so why drink more empty calories I don't really want anyway) since I started my Marathon Lent and until last night, I had not had the fast food part of it either.  I decided I needed something to reward myself for being under 160 lbs, having a great week plus of running and depriving myself of something I like once a week, TACO BELL.  It was calling me saying quit losing all this weight skinny boy.  I gave in.  It was delicious, I don't feel bad about it.  I just don't plan on doing that again... other than maybe one more time.  LOL

I did my last Yassos yesterday.  I had 8 scheduled.  Previously I had done 9 Yassos six weeks ago and that was my 50 mile week when I believe I overexerted my knee and started dealing with nagging knee and foot pain.  I still have minor foot pain but don't notice it like I was.  The knee pain is something I don't feel while running and what was causing me to run slow and not even be able to do more than a couple miles at marathon pace for a couple weeks.  Well, my Yasso pace is 3:45 but I  have been shooting for a few 3:40s.  I did that and only had one over 3:45 averaging 3:41 yesterday for my 8.  Yassos are great speed work but they touch on other things for the marathon.

First if you can do 10 Yassos (I missed mine due to my knee but knew I could do 10 when I did my 9) at your marathon goal time, so in my case 3:45 Yassos for a 3 hour and 45 minute marathon, that should equate to your marathon time give or take some time and seeing as you also did the proper training of long runs.  I also believe I will be at that pace because I am running a mile below where I do now and as long as it doesn't rain, the temps should be a good day of what CO running typically is at this time (been lucky the last week and a half after not so much the previous month plus).

Back to Yassos, the benefits are you get speed work in that is faster than your 10/15k tempo pace, marathon pace and somewhere even under a 5k pace.  But that's just a start.  They wear on your mind and body too!  When your legs are tired from running that hard for an extended period of time, your body tells your mind, okay time for a break.  That is what a marathon does.  You are exerting yourself at a pace you usually only do for the maximum of a half marathon but for twice as long and your body is starting to give out at Mile 20 and your mind has to kick in and say, no your legs are fine, they are tired but still working how they should so just keep running and getting a few calories in here and there so your body doesn't shut down on you.  At Yasso #5 last night, it was getting really dark and the evening sundown chill started hitting with my legs saying, hey we aren't supposed to be running this fast and my mind took over.  It was saying, you are right legs, let's only do 6.  You have done a good job after not doing these for so long, but... you are fine, your legs are still gonna work and you think when you are at 20 miles and at about 2 hours and 50 minutes and need to finish the last 10k in 55 minutes or better that you aren't going to have to put mind over matter to reach your goal?!  The human mind is amazing and it can go either way.  Over the last 50 weeks, I have made it push my body where my body and mind never imagined possible.  Forget P90X, thank you running!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Last 20 miler and the start of taper...

I ran 20 miles Saturday.   It was the most elevation I've done for a run other than my downhill half and downhill half prep.  The thing is, I would have walked the last couple miles in weeks past.  This week I still had plenty of juice in the tank by the time I finished.  It was an amazing day.  It was warm, it was amazing compared to so many weeks past and especially last week.  I honestly had the  best week of running I've had yet and it happened at the right time.  It came right before the taper.  I really don't consider this week a taper since the mid 30s for miles is something only a marathoner would do.  Next week I will officially cheer.  Here's to great health and the revival of Yassos this week.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sick, freezing and still running

Thursday night I layed out all my gear to go for an early morning 11 miler and test my marathon pace and how my knee could hold up after it finally feeling better.  Unfortunately, at about 8:30 I started feeling like crap.  That night was awful, couldn't get warm enough and couldn't sleep.  I got maybe an hour total of solid sleep before heading to the couch and getting 2.5 hours the rest of the night.  Friday was brutal and I did what I could at work before leaving early.  It worked out well because it was Andi's birthday and it allowed her, Sophie and I to enjoy the night with her mom.  We went to the mall, the 3 ladies got their princess bears while I felt like shit.  We then went to dinner.  I hadn't really ate much all day and ate up my breakfast dinner from Village Inn.  After dropping my mother-in-law off and getting Sophie home, I was exhausted and feeling awful again.  I took Nyquil so I slept better but I had the same issues of freezing even though I was pretty warm already.

We then woke up Saturday morning with the Aquarium in mind (as well as the Broncos and Packers... sigh.  Andi decided to have her birthday dinner there.  I had never been and it sounded like a good idea.  With the weather being so poor, the majority of my fellow Broncos fans weren't going to be tailgating 3 hours early so our 11 a.m. arrival was great.  The Aquarium is a nice little getaway.  The restaraunt felt like eating at somewhere in Florida, like Sea World/Discovery Cove.  The food was really good and then the exhibits were pretty impressive.  I found the tiger to be the most impressive part, but the whole thing was pretty impressive.  I got home and went for a 7 miler.  It was cold, it was not fun and I was still fighting a cold.  I tried to run it fast, but doubt I did.  The Broncos and Packers games must have made me more sick because I felt even worse that night.  Luckily I sweat off the worse part of it Saturday night.

I woke up Sunday morning soaked in sweat and not feeling as poorly as the last couple mornings.  I still definitely felt a little something and the idea of running 16 miles did not sound fun but after getting ready, I gutted out 16 miles in 3-7 degree weather.  I was coughing up loogies, blowing snot rockets and felt low in energy due to not having much of an appetite the last few days.  But I did it, I kept going though I probably looked like a... grandpa (I scratch that beacuseI have seen and looked at results of many grandfather aged men that can run faster than me at their slow pace and me at my Yasso pace)... dumb ass for being sick and it being cold.

Less knee pain than I've had.  Still feel it in my foot and think I am just going to have to hope it gets numb during the race.  I feel better today but still a little out of it.  This is my last big week, before tapering beings, Week 5!  Myrtle Beach, please be kind and don't rain and let me run in ideal conditions.  The last few weeks, minus a few days here and there have been cold to run in or brutal like this weekend.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A plethora of things, Running and New Year's Resolutions...

So, first things first, I had a post up for about a week talking about zombies and other things that were inappropriate for a blog, I apologize for the people who looked poorly upon it since I don't always look at all angles and realize it may have been wrong on more than one account.  It was and thus it's deleted.

I must say that I had a great weekend with my family at the Colorado Railroad Museum, a good afternoon of exchanging and returning Christmas items at Flatirons and a couple good runs, all the family watching the Packers (in-laws team) win and some relaxation . Okay the museum wasn't great since it was a little chilly, the train ride was on a galloping goose, which is a modified car, and the horrific story of the guy that started the Galloping Geese fleet did not help my thoughts on the place. I was also hoping a real chain and not a modified car.  Sophie likes trains and it was cool to see some of the things there like how they removed snow but Andi and I decided it was another CO monument we could at least cross off the list of things we've seen, plus it was a free day, so I don't feel too bad about trying it over going to like the history museum.  Maybe it will be better on a warm free day and taking time to read more and venture around more?! 

I have to say, the last few weeks have been tough.  The cold of Colorado (other than the last few days and my run Sunday) does not make running as fun.  I don't mind 4 miles, but 20 miles in cold sucks when you are running alone.  It's also been a drain having such a long build up to this event.  I think I was ready in November and the lull kind of hurt my competitiveness, along with the cold and my knee/foot pain.  My run Sunday and two solid runs this week have really changed.

I have noticed more people walking when it's warm and think this is due to New Year resolution time for half of them.  First, good for them.  I believe New Year's resolutions are tough.  It's cold, there are so many people clogging the fitness places and so often those resolutions are an oh well, it's just because I had to make a resolution.  I am glad my LIFE change happened in March and there was a goal in sight.  I believe a goal should be in sight for everyone and it should be attainable.  I knew I could run a marathon about a month after I started.  I believe this is the case for everything.  If you can get through the first month and honestly say you did things to be successful, the results will be there and you'll want more of it.  I lost 12ish lbs in the first month and got in great shape because I did not skip a run, I ate better and I didn't overconsume like I had so often in my 12 years of sedentary life.  So, I will say to those that may read this, keep going.  Even if you had a bad start or haven't been perfect and followed the plan, re-boot and know you can accomplish what you set out to do if you just give the effort.

Main principles I have followed to be successful:
-Eat well: Calories in have to be less than calories out to lose or maintain weight
-Drink lots of water to help curb appetite
-Start working out in some way (I chose running, you can choose crossfit, yoga, etc) at least 40 minutes a week 4 days a week
-Be positive and don't let yourself skip more than 2 days in a row, no matter what.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lent/40 Days for Myrtle Beach Marathon...

I've decided I am starting a modified Lent 2013 today.  My 40 Days begins a little early this year.  It starts today. Well, this is my first official 40 Days I am forgoing something... well at least by choice since some things are out of our control.  Today is 40 Days until Myrtle Beach.  Ever since I got to 165 in mid-September, I have been overeating at times to make up for the negative feedback to my rapid weight loss and the belief I should just maintain this weight for awhile and then Halloween to New Years occurred.  I have been using this all as a crutch to keep consuming chocolate far more than a person should (my guess is at times 1000-1500 calories in a sitting) and taking a once a week visit to Taco Bell to consume 1500-2500 calories in a sitting and drinking a pop or two.  I say to myself, you've already burned it off, what's it hurt to eat that?   Well, I set a goal to get down around 155 for the Marathon because I knew that'd help me with not carrying that extra weight.  I can tell the difference in a long run weighing 168 and 163, so I am sure 163 to 158 would have a similar effect. 

Therefore, to help me get to the line at no more than 158 at Myrtle Beach, I am deciding to forego the following things for the next 40 Days:
  • Chocolate (though a Reese's on a long run is a huge boost and for debate)
  • Soda (though I am allowing the Cola flavored energy chews since those seem to have helped me with some calories the last couple weeks)
  • Fast Food (If it's not Subway or Panera, I don't want it since I can't get under 1000 calories)
By the way, the weather let up during yesterday's run and will for the next few days.  It feels great running in shorts and only wearing a light jacket with a Tech-T.  I have really dreaded some of my runs the last few weeks with no highs above the 30s for most of the last 2.5-3 weeks.  Unfortunately after Thursday, it looks like the cold is back but beggers can't be choosers.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Inevitable Injury...

I have had soreness that goes away and doesn't inhibit my ability to run.  Unfortunately, since my 1000th mile a couple days after Christmas, things just haven't been feeling the same.   I had been experiencing some foot and knee pain here and there.  Well, now it's every time I run.  My long run was absolutely brutal this past Sunday.  I ran slower than I have for a long run since the single digits were my long run and I was 20 lbs heavier.  My knee just would not respond and I did not want to push it.  Monday, I tried to do some marathon pace running with tempo.  After halfway of my 5 miler, I slowed it down and ran slightly slower than marathon pace.

I am toning down the miles and pace until I feel good for a few days.  I'll probably run closer to +30 seconds on my paces the next couple weeks.  I am also cutting down my long run by 3 miles this week on advice of my running mentor (Uncle) and feel ready for Myrtle Beach, just want to make sure I don't cause issues for that day so no need to push it.

The good news is my knee feels better today and did after my 5 miler, but the bad news is that when I walk down stairs or turn it outward at all, it has a quick sharp pain and lets me know it's still there.   We'll see how it goes when I run today.