- It is great that the half marathoners start before the 5k and 10k group due to the heat of the day. The bad news, it starts at 7:00 a.m. so I would have loved an earlier start by like 30 minutes. The 3 mile marker is where things could get congested. Based off running a slower first 5k for the half, I still should beat the 5k and 10k runners by 5-10 minutes so I won't have to worry about dodging any of them.
- The start is where the finish is so Westminster City Park will be seen 3x. This is great. It is a nice area that is wide open with a great view of the mountains/flatirons. Another positive is the last 5 miles where people start questioning themselves is headed back west. Unfortunately the first mile or two has a crap load of prairie dogs that runners will be cursing at.
- Aid stations aplenty. There are 5 aid stations just for half marathon runners, 3 for 10k and 1 for 5k, however if you look at this correct, there is actually double the amount of those. 10 aid stations for 13.1 miles is absolutely a pleasure that runners should be excited to have and thanif. I especially look forward to aid station 4 and 5. Aid station 5 should only be needed once but hey, it's nice to have the option to use it more than once.
- So I have laid it out like this; this race is being used to blow out the engines and see how I do running at marathon pace or slightly faster for 13.1 miles. I will treat it like I will the marathon, try to run slower than marathon pace by about 15-30 seconds the first couple miles. After that I will start increasing the pace and take advantage of the downhills. The time goal is simple, 1:50:00. This would beat my GTIS Half by just under 2 minutes (and my Myrtle Beach halfway point which was eerily only 1 second slower than my GTIS Half). It would show I can double that time and add 5 minutes to my full marathon time and feel confident with a 3:45 come Labor Day.
Onto the Marathon training; I have to hit my marathon training goals over the next 3 weeks (after the half) and taper for the last 2 weeks. It is a short taper but I feel that 3rd week of taper I can run a 16-18 miler and not do anything to really hurt myself recovery wise. Which brings me to what my goals are. On Sunday after the half I plan on running a slow 10 miler. It may be more like a slow walk 6 miler but we shall see.
Next week/Week 5 (counting back) I have to gut out a 20 miler and get some Yassos in (Goal is 8). It may be dumb but I am going to try to get 50 miles next week, follow it with a high 40s week and then taper . I know the last few miles are going to be brutal on my 20 miler. The good news is I have an evening that I will be able to do this without messing with family time by doing this next week with the family taking off a couple days before I do to go to the Western Slope. I will miss not having Sophie and Andi around but I won't feel so obligated to hurry back home like my 17 miles were due to bathroom breaks and a couple of work related structural observation detours on my long run this past Sunday. I feel good but I am worried.
Week 4, get a 22 mile run in, do 10 Yassos and really push myself to a high 40s week, maybe even 50. Week 3 will be start taper but will be mid-30s with a few extras. Week 2 will be low to mid 20s.
Due to really nursing myself back from the full, I started my training late and made excuses. In order to have a legit shot at 3:45, I will have to make the excuses end. I am hovering around 165. My goal is to get to 157 by ADT. I need to eat smarter, really get my runs in and push hard. No excuses.