Saturday was my 2nd time running 12 miles. It was kind of an impromptu decision to run when I did since I had to get my oil changed and 75k, I figured I'd knock my long run out rather than sit around and wait for my car to get worked on at Mountain States Toyota for an hour plus. It was around noon that I started and fortunately the weather was ideal compared to the last few weeks, being as it was mid to high 70s during my run. My run was planned out to take a trip down memory lane of sorts. I was running to Pecos from Mountain States and up Pecos to 104th & down Huron and up Conifer. I grew up near that area and that was the area I mainly was around for the first 13.5 years of my life. Yes, my family was lower middle class but I learned a lot about taking care of a house, cooking, cleaning and being fortunate to have at least a roof over my head compared to a much easier life for myself the last 18 years of my life.
Anyway, the part I knew about this run was I'd be doing some major hills compared to normal. My elevation change would be over 300 feet but it'd be like a roller coaster where I'd have some brutal hill climbs during it. I also knew I'd have a couple really nice long downhills after my steep climbs. After the run, I saw that one climb was 150 feet in 1/2 mile and another was 100 feet in a 1/3 mile. I started off gaining, gaining, gaining elevation with some flat areas and some slight downhills the first 4 miles and felt great, but then came monster hill. I remember driving the hill numerous times as a kid and when snaking around to get up north from areas since. Until I was about 3/4 of the way up, I forgot how ridiculous of an elevation gain it was from Niver Creek to 100th & Pecos. By the time I was able to run to the top, I felt like I looked like I had an 80 yr olds posture. My back was hunched over and I was in full relief mode. After some water, I felt rejuvanated and excited, but then I didn't realize Huron had a nice little climb back-up for a 1/2 mile before the long Wildcat like roller coaster to 104th with a nice long jog down and hills up and down after. My legs felt great but I knew I would not be able to sustain that feeling much longer by the time I got to 84th & Conifer. The hill there is brutal. I never walked the side from 84th to roughly 81st, but I walked and ran to 81st from the other way but that was 1.5 miles to get to the top of the hill and the same elevation gain and not only only a 1/3 of a mile. It was the first time I started walking during a run for reasons other than needing to figure out a restroom break in ages. I made it just over 1/2 way up the 100 ft plus climb and walked for a couple minutes to give my body a break. I also drank the last few ounces of the 20 oz of SmartWater I carried to help boost my body and give my mind a kick. It helped as I ran the last 1/4 of the hill energized. I fortunately was all downhill from there. The only problem is, I had to stop again for a phone call from the car dealership, twice!!! After I passed 70th Avenue with my destination right there, I was disappointed I needed my last 1.8 miles. The hill had kicked my ass and stopping 3x had given my mind and body reasons to say, go ahead and walk. I finished the last 1.8 very slow and just trying to keep jogging. I cooled down the last 1/4 of a mile by walking out the run. I realized based off my texts and phone calls, since I don't wear a watch or pay much attention to time, that my 12 miles took me right at 2 hours. I found this to be a nice surprise beause I was seriously doubting if I was better than 11 minute miles.
I have learned to make sure I plan ahead a little better. I lacked the proper amount of food and realize I need to carry or have available about 2.5x the distance of my run in fluids after running out of my 20 with a 1/3 of my run to go. I have the pouch available to carry a 32 oz bottle and will give that a try this week when I go 13. The later start allowed me to run bathroom stop free, but I felt the lack of energy at the end and trying to get up that 2nd big hill. I am glad I am learning these things now, even with sore nipples.
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