
Friday, August 24, 2012


My week has been full of crazy dreams and daydreaming about things I thought people were insane to even attempt.  I'll touch on those things (much further below, I am a rambler, what can I say?!)but something that I am going to use as my M.O. I've decided is something that's been said in many ways but since I can't find a google search for it, I'll claim it:

"The only challenges you can not conquer are the ones you don't attempt to do!"-Andy Ventura, Aug 23, 2012

Another thing I hate hearing is CAN'T.  When I coached, that was one of the things I didn't allow to be said in the room.  There is always someone achieving something that has never been done before from an athletic to inventive standpoint.  If people did not attempt to better themselves with training and saying, I CAN do that, the human species would be stuck in a far worse place, athletic events would not be entertaining and people would not strive to better themselves.  I see that runners are CAN people.  This isn't saying other people aren't in other ways or don't accomplish many things that are AMAZING feats but runners strive to better their lives through this means of excercise and challenge their body and mind and find ways to get better at it.  I am seeing that that may be the reason why I love running.  I feel like I CAN do more.
The few that have read my blogs know of my LIFE challenge that started this March and how far I've come.  40 lbs is a long way and I've sustained staying at 170 or below for over a month.  Diet is the number one reason for the change, but without excercise I don't believe it can be sustained.  I've gone on multiple weight losses to get back down from 205-210 to get back to 185-190.  Each time it didn't last more than a few months before I was over 200 because I wasn't burning anything EXTRA I was consuming.  Anyway, back to dreams.

I've been reading a lot about marathons, ironmans and even ultras.  All seem to have an appeal to me.  You have to walk before you crawl they say but what if you adjust your life and change your ways so you can walk shortly after crawling?  I feel like I am doing the things necessary to have a successful first marathon.  My Uncle put us on a long plan that seems to be working really well for me and I want more.  I am tempering this by waiting a month before I start "walking" from this crawl stage into becoming a marathoner.  I say this because while I've been running a fair amount for the everyday average person, I've only really been doing mileage that someone would train for for a half marathon.  26 miles and 4 days (a couple 5 day weeks but those were earlier on) have been my longest week of running. At the end of September I won't be under 5 days and 30 miles until I begin tapering down.  My old plan also only had me getting up to 40 miles once during my plan.  I get there 7 times in my new plan and I hit 20 mile 6 times compared to the previous 3.  It will be difficult, but I CAN and will conquer this challenge.

Back to dreaming:
I've had some crazy dreams this week.  On Sunday night it was me being at the Bolder Boulder.  I had qualified for the CA group (which is true from my GTIS Half time) and was ready to go but I HAD to pee and wasn't going to start and have to stop when I could start later.  Only problem was every time I went to go to a bathroom, I waited 5 minutes or longer.  Finally I got to a port-a-pottie and people were going to the bathroom but they were completely immersed in water while standing up and going pee (they must have been all guys and why were the doors open, but I only saw the backside thank goodness or the dream may have went somewhere that most states don't believe is right and I wouldn't or don't prefer doing but have no issues with, anyway...), and there was no way I was going to do that so I wandered aimlessly as I saw the EG group I was in this year take off and then woke up.  I went pee after I woke to prove my dream I was the boss.

That day Sophie was sick so I worked the night from 11-4 to get some things out the door at work since I needed to take Tuesday as a sick day.  I went to sleep immediately after showering when I got home (sorry I don't sleep without taking a shower even at 4 a.m.).  I crashed hard and in the 3hours I slept, I had two seperate dreams that centered around the same thing (no not sex though I am a man so I am sure there is some study that says I daydream about it 25% of the day) BLACKING OUT.  In both dreams I ended up somewhere after blacking out.  One was a family vacation where I woke up on the ground in front of everybody after just leaving work.  Another was ending up at another airport after driving to DIA to see my brother.  I woke up in his front yard.  Now if I could travel like that in life and it be only mere seconds, I wouldn't mind dreaming like that.  I've had other dreams where I am driving and become incoherent and can't stay awake or the car is driving itself and I am in the backseat making feeble attempts and can't move my body.  In all cases I think it's my mind talking to me about being exhausted and not being able to function right and I believe many of those dreams happen when I only get very little sleep.

Then I've daydreamed a lot and wondered if I could do more, getting back to my crawling before walking part.  Marathons sound like a beast of a distance but I see a smaller group of people talking about running 100 miles and I am awed by it and wonder, could I, should I.  It is idiotic, insane and stupid and something that I don't expect people to support immediately, but when I run 26.2 and then do it again and do a couple long runs of 30+ miles... we'll see.

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