
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I'm back in the saddle again!!! Marathon 2 in sight...

Yes Aerosmith's Back in the Saddle Again is blaring through my head writing this post.  But, I feel like it's time.  I had a full week of running, 25+ miles, and then ran a 5k after walk/jogging a 5k the day before in under 8:00/mi pace this past weekend and have felt hardly any pain or none over the last 3 weeks.  My knee used to be tender to the touch even with a couple days off and now I don't even feel pain when poking and prodding it, so I've decided it's time to set some running goals.

  • First and foremost, I plan on running the ADT (American Discovery Trail) Marathon in Colorado Springs on Labor Day. 
  • I will be doing a half.  I found one that runs along Big Dry Creek in Westy (which I run frequently) called the Dog Days 5k, 10k and Half and believe that is as good of a place to start since I know that area.  I honestly don't care what time I get on that course being as it is narrow and I don't know what the set up will be probably trying for a 1:50 so I can set a personal best and to try to prove to myself I can run a 3:45 marathon or better a little over a month later.
  • Break the 3:45 mark.
  • Run more in the morning and late night.  Only tough part of mornings is getting back before 6:15 so I can make sure I am home before Andi.  I guess I will just have to wake up and get out of bed with a purpose.
  • Run my long runs earlier and different routes so I avoid the heat and to explore the Reunion area more though I have ran many of the roads east of Highway 2 and west of Tower between 88th and 120th.
I ran 11 miles yesterday.  It was in the low to mid 80s.  I felt alright though I wasn't trying to set the world on fire.  A few things I can take from it.  I need many more miles on my legs to get back into Myrtle Beach shape.  I need to get back to 160 to feel comfortable on those long runs and to start running shirtless more.  Under 160 I feel good running and running without a shirt off.  I FEEL those 5-7 extra lbs. otherwise.  My fast/feast diet needs to be implemented twice a week and over the course of a month to get those results.

I am excited to get back to running and that I haven't felt my injury bug.  Let's hope it keeps up.

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